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- 6 Signs It Is Time to Euthanize a Dog with Congestive Heart FailureWhen dealing with congestive heart failure (CHF), the decision to euthanize is complex due to the progressive nature of the disease and its impact on the dog’s quality of life. As a veterinarian, I have […]
- The American Kennel Club (AKC) Partners with ‘Senior Tail Waggers’ to Publish Expert Veterinary ArticlesMay 15th 2024 – Seattle, WA. Pet writers from the American Kennel Club (AKC) have sought the expertise of the veterinary team at to develop a series of new articles posted in 2024 on […]
- Senior Tail Waggers Interviewed by Dogster Magazine about Dog Dermatology IssuesThis article was updated on May 18th, 2024Our team of dermatologists and veterinarians is regularly interviewed by or contributes to articles in the press about dog skin issues. In 2023 and 2024, our veterinarians Dr. […]
- Dr. Chyrle Bonk Is Interviewed by ‘Pet Food Industry’ Magazine About Pet ObesityWhen Pet Food Industry magazine wanted to interview a veterinarian to discuss pet obesity and other nutrition topics, they turned to the Senior Tail Waggers team and Dr. Chyrle Bonk. The epidemic of dog obesity […]
- Tackling the Growing Epidemic of Obesity in Dogs: Up to 59% of Dogs Are Now OverweightRecent data shows a concerning trend in the rising rate of obesity in dogs. Over the past few years, the number of overweight and obese dogs has been steadily increasing, with the Association for Pet […]
- Bloody Streaks or Small Quantity of Blood in My Dog’s Poop: Is It Serious?Occasionally, owners will notice small amounts or streaks of blood in their dog’s stool. Blood in a dog’s stool can be fairly innocuous or a sign of a larger health issue. It is important to […]
- Head Lumps on Dogs: Top Causes (15 Pictures) and Vet TipsThere are so many important structures on dogs’ heads that lumps and bumps here can be especially worrying. But when should you worry and when is it ok just to keep an eye on a […]
- 7 Pictures of Ear Hematomas in Dogs [Visual Guide]You might have noticed that your dog’s ear feels puffy and filled with fluid, unlike the soft and smooth ear it used to be. Your dog might also be scratching their ears or shaking their […]
- White Spots on a Dog’s Eyes: Pictures & Vet AdviceThe presence of white, cloudy or gray-colored areas on the eye is not normal and can be an indication of a problem. These spots can either be harmless or serious, and if left untreated, they […]
- Dog Not Eating & Throwing Up Bile? Here’s What to DoThis article was updated on January 28th, 2024Vomiting is a dog’s way of ridding the digestive tract of potentially harmful things. While we often see dogs throwing up food, they can also throw up bile […]
- Older Dog Not Eating? Our Vets Explain What to DoThis article was updated on January 29th, 2024Is your older dog not eating as much as they used to? There are lots of reasons why your dog’s appetite might not be up to par. One […]
- Dog’s Incision or Stitches Broke Open: Vet Advice + 1st AidIf your dog has stitches for any reason, there’s always a chance that those stitches won’t hold. Even with the best of intentions, life happens causing spay, neuter or other surgery incisions to break open. […]
- My Dog Ate a Bee: Our Vet Explains What to DoIn this article, our veterinarian Dr. Chyrle Bonk shares essential steps to take when your dog eats a bee. Just Eating a Bee Usually Presents No Problem “Just eating a bee usually presents no problem […]
- Armpit Lumps on Dogs: Our Vet Shares 5 Most Likely CausesAs a veterinarian ultrasound specialist, I regularly image skin masses, lumps, or swellings, and perform fine-needle-aspirates on lumps, as this can reveal whether the lump is serious or not. In this article, I will explain […]
- Itchy Dog Losing Hair? Vet Shares 6 Causes With ImagesThis article was updated on January 18th, 2024As veterinarians, we often come across dogs with itchy skin or hair loss. These two symptoms combined can be caused by external factors such as parasites like fleas or […]
- Scabs on Dogs [With Pictures]: Our Vets Explain What To DoThis article was updated on February 7th, 2024One common problem we often encounter as veterinarians is the presence of scabs (serous crusts) on a dog’s skin. Scabs on dogs can be the sign of an […]
- 7 Eye Colors in Dogs [Color Chart]: Our Eye Specialist ExplainsThis article was updated on March 14th, 2024Dog eye color can be an interesting spectrum, ranging from brown to blue, yellow to green, and even having multiple colors. In this article, our veterinary ophthalmologist, Dr. […]
- Incision Lumps and Suture Reaction in Dogs (After Surgeries)This article was updated on January 24th, 2024Your dog has just had surgery, and you are anxiously watching them for any sign of complication. You want their recovery process to be as smooth and comfortable […]
- Dog With Diarrhea at Night: How to Stop Waking Up to A MessThis article was updated on January 14th, 2024There’s never a great time for your dog to have diarrhea. But when they start having it at nighttime, it presents its own set of special challenges. If […]
- Hair Loss in DogsHair loss and bald patches are a common issue in dogs, and a frequent symptom of several medical conditions. Browse by symptoms: Hair loss WITH itchiness or Hair loss WITHOUT itchiness Localized bald patch Hair […]
- What Can I Give My Dog To Make Him Sleep All Night? Our Vet ExplainsA good night’s sleep is crucial for both humans and pets. As veterinarians, we often get questions from dog owners trying to find ways to help their dogs sleep throughout the night. There are many […]
- Senior Dog Pacing but Won’t Lie Down or Rest: What is Going On?This article was updated on March 14th, 2024It can be unsettling to see your senior suddenly pacing and becoming restless. Rather than snooze on the sofa, your senior dog is suddenly on edge. They may […]
- Old Dog Barking At Night: Top 6 Reasons & What to DoThis article was updated on February 13th, 2024Your old dog suddenly starts barking at night. You get up to investigate. You breathe a sigh of relief: there are no intruders in the house. Your dog […]
- Red Spots or Pimples on a Dog’s Nose: Our Vet ExplainsThis article was updated on January 9th, 2024Your dog’s nose is incredibly important to them, since they rely on their sense of smell to understand their environment. Seeing a red spot or pimple on your […]
- Itchy Skin in DogsThis article was updated on January 17th, 2024Browse by symptoms Dogs can get itchy for a variety of reasons: allergies, such as food or environmental allergies, can lead to severe itching, redness, and skin inflammation. […]
- Flaky Skin in DogsThis article was updated on February 22nd, 2024Flaky skin in dogs, also known as dry skin or dermatitis, is a common issue characterized by the shedding of dry, scaly flakes from a dog’s skin. Browse […]
- Circular Red Spots on Dogs [Pictures & Vet Advice]Recently, a client asked me to examine their dog’s red, circular skin spots. After taking samples, I diagnosed the lesions as gnat bites and recommended an itch-relief shampoo to soothe the dog’s skin during bathing. […]
- Happiness Plan for SamThis article was updated on November 8th, 2023In this Happiness Plan, we’ll take a look at Sam, an older Miniature Poodle. Our dog training and behavior experts Julie Burgess (CPDT-KA) and Mindy Waite (Ph.D., CAAB) have assessed Sam’s profile, […]
- Happiness Plan for ScoutThis article was updated on November 9th, 2023We’re thrilled to introduce you to our latest “Happiness Plans for Dogs!” Our goal is to provide dog owners with easy and effective strategies to improve the happiness […]
- Introducing … Our New “Happiness Plans for Dogs”This article was updated on November 16th, 2023Here at Senior Tail Waggers, we’re thrilled to introduce you to our latest initiative, “Happiness Plans for Dogs!” This project is all about giving you tailored tips to […]
- Happiness Plan for ZeusThis article was updated on November 12th, 2023We’re thrilled to introduce you to our latest initiative, “Happiness Plans for Dogs!” Our goal is to provide dog owners like you with easy and effective strategies to […]
- Persistent Bad Dog Smell After a Bath: Unraveling Perplexing OdorsThis article was updated on March 10th, 2024Unfortunately, unpleasant odors are something most pet owners are familiar with. While most of these are resolved by a thorough bath, what do you do if that doggy […]
- Four Steps to Induce Dog Labor At Home (Without Your Vet)While induction of labor is a hot topic in humans, it is really not something much discussed when it comes to canine breeding. The reason? It is quite unusual for a dog to go overdue […]
- Red and Itchy Skin in Dogs: Top Causes & How to Help Your DogSkin conditions are notoriously the most common reason a dog will come to see a vet. For most of the patients I see for these issues, their skin will be both red and itchy. Frustratingly, […]
- Pustules on Dog’s Skin w/Pictures: Top Causes & What to DoIf you spot one or more pustules on your pooch, you’re sure to wonder what is going on and what you can do to help. Having your dog seen at the vet is important, to […]
- Small Red Spots in a Dog’s Eyes: Top Causes & TreatmentsInflammation or hemorrhage When a dog has pink-red spots on its eye, it is usually due to inflammation or hemorrhage. Conditions that cause inflammation are varied but may include: Treatments: When inflammation or hemorrhage is […]
- Allergies Causing Dog Ear Infections: Dr. Linda Simon ExplainsDid you know that a dog who has allergies is more prone to secondary conditions including anal gland disease and ear infections? This makes sense, as allergies mean a dog has both an over-active immune […]
- Six Tips to Comfort a Sick or Elderly Dog, from Our VeterinariansIf you have a dog who is old and unwell, it can be a very stressful thing to go through and many owners will feel they are alone in this journey. It can be hard […]
- Pictures of Melanomas on DogsThis article was updated on November 13th, 2023What is a melanoma? (with pictures) Melanoma is a type of cancer that originates from melanocytes, which are the cells responsible for producing melanin, the pigment that colors […]
- Canine Skin Issues Caused by Environmental AllergiesThis article was updated on February 12th, 2024Environmental allergies are caused by substances like pollen, mold, or dust mites, and can lead to atopic dermatitis, an allergic skin reaction that results in: As the dog […]
- How to Help a Dog Who Suddenly Starts Barking Due to a Loss in Vision or HearingDogs that experience sensory loss (such as vision or hearing impairment) often experience anxiety or confusion due to their inability to perceive their environment as they once did. This can lead to increased vocalizations such […]
- Black Spots in Dogs Due to Cyclical Flank Alopecia and Alopecia XThis article was updated on November 29th, 20231. Cyclical/Seasonal flank alopecia There is usually a medium to large-sized area of alopecic and hyperpigmentation along the sides. This is a condition in which there is hair […]
- Meibomian Gland Tumors in Dogs: Picture & Vet InformationThis article was updated on March 8th, 2024What are meibomian gland tumors in dogs? Many eyelid tumors are overgrowth of the meibomian gland, as shown in the picture below. The most common types of meibomian […]
- Interdigital Cysts on Dog Paws: Pictures, Home Remedies, TreatmentsThis article was updated on January 10th, 2024In this article, we will discuss interdigital cysts in dogs, including causes, symptoms, prevention strategies, and effective treatments to ensure your canine companion enjoys optimal paw health. What […]
- Diagnosing Lumps in Dogs: Fine Needle Aspirates (FNAs) and BiopsiesThis article was updated on November 25th, 2023It is usually not possible to accurately diagnose lumps and bumps from their appearance alone, although a veterinarian will have their suspicions. This article explains the process used […]
- Dog Bleeding After Anal Gland Expression: FAQ with Our VetThis article was updated on March 8th, 2024As a veterinarian, I frequently see dogs with anal gland issues. It’s also something that many pet parents have questions and concerns about. Expression of a dog’s anal […]
- Antibiotics for Urinary Tract Infections in DogsAs the director of a general practice veterinary hospital, I am often presented with dogs who are showing urinary tract infection signs. Urinary tract infections (UTIs) are common in dogs. These dogs show clinical signs […]
- Pictures of Dog Worms [With Veterinarian Comments]As a veterinarian, I deal with worms on a daily basis as they are such a common problem, particularly in young puppies. They can cause a wide range of symptoms and, thankfully, are usually easy […]
- Home Remedies for Dog Skin Infections & When to Call a VetDog skin infections are a common issue that many pet owners encounter. These infections can be caused by various factors, including allergies, fleas, mange, bacterial or fungal overgrowth, and more. Identifying the underlying cause is […]
- How to Make My Dog Vomit Without Hydrogen Peroxide [Vet Advice]This article was updated on December 5th, 2023If your dog has eaten something poisonous or dangerous, inducing vomiting can help but is not always the best course of action. This article provides information on how […]
- Dog’s Third Eyelid: What It Is & Top Issues [Vet Ophthalmologist Answer]This article was updated on October 1st, 2023As a veterinary ophthalmologist with extensive experience, I have successfully treated many cases of third eyelid conditions in dogs. In this article, I’ll provide a comprehensive overview of […]
- Dog Bacterial Skin Infections [With Pictures & Vet Advice]Canine skin disease is a common problem that can affect any breed. Most dog lovers have had some experience caring for dogs with red, itchy skin. While all dogs are vulnerable to canine skin disease, some […]
- Gnat Bites on Dogs: Our Vet Shares Pictures & Home RemediesThis article was updated on March 8th, 2024Gnats are small flies that tend to fly in swarms. Some are non-biting, but it is the biting ones that cause our dogs problems. They are most prevalent […]
- Can Spaying or Neutering Help Calm a Hyperactive Dog? [Vet Advice]This article was updated on September 21st, 2023Dog owners have a lot of questions about spaying or neutering their dog, and with good reason. It’s a surgery after all. Before more people are comfortable putting […]
- Copperhead Snake Biting Dog: Our Vet Explains What to DoCopperheads were common around my hometown when I was growing up. Although I never encountered one, I was taught what to do if I or my dog experienced a venomous snake bite from one. I […]
- High White Blood Cell Count in Dogs [Vet Advice]Perhaps your vet has run bloodwork during an annual wellness exam, or maybe your dog hasn’t been feeling well and needs a diagnostic workup. There are many reasons a veterinarian may recommend bloodwork, such as […]
- Dog Pants and Has Diarrhea: Dr. Bonk Shares How to HelpYou’re more than likely accustomed to your dog panting; it is a normal reaction after all. However, when you add diarrhea to their panting, it can be anything but normal. As a veterinarian, I’ll tell […]
- 5 Causes of Weird Dog Breathing [With Videos & Vet Tips]This article was updated on March 9th, 2024As a veterinarian, my heart always sinks a little when I see that the next patient is coming in for an issue with their breathing. Unusual or weird […]
- Decoding “Bright Yellow” Dog Poop: A Vet’s GuidePerhaps not the most pleasant of topics to discuss, it is actually really valuable to monitor your dog’s poop. Picking up on changes like a sloppy consistency or a change in color can provide some […]
- Overview of Autoimmune Diseases in Dogs [With Pictures]: Causes, Symptoms, TreatmentsAs a veterinarian, I have become very familiar with the many types of health problems facing our furry family members. One type of condition that pet parents often wonder about is autoimmune disease, which occurs […]
- Panting & Diabetes in Dogs: Why It Happens, What to DoPanting is a natural mechanism dogs use for thermoregulation. It’s a common sight during hot weather or after exercise. However, excessive or unexplained panting can be an indicator of an underlying health issue, which could […]
- Dog Pants a LOT After Eating: Is This Normal?All dog parents are familiar with panting, and therefore, it is common for many owners to have questions about this behavior. While panting after a playful romp or on a warm day is to be […]
- Ask Our Vet: Female Dog in Heat Panting a LotFor every dog parent, the well-being and comfort of their furry friend is a top priority. When your female dog enters her heat cycle, it often brings with it a set of changes, behaviors, and […]
- Dog Lipomas: Can They Burst or Be Removed? Our Vet ExplainsLipomas in dogs are what we vets would consider good lumps. They may grow, but they don’t spread, and they generally don’t cause any problems. Generally. There are times that dog lipomas can grow big […]
- Pictures Of Dogs with Hernias: What Hernia Looks LikeMany of the hernias I see in my vet clinic are found in puppies during their first check up. Indeed, owners are often unaware that there is an issue and most believe an umbilical hernia […]
- Best Ways to Tell If Your Dog’s Anal Glands Are FullThis article was updated on November 14th, 2023In most cases, you will only become aware that your dog’s anal glands are full when they become problematic, and your dog is starting to show signs of […]
- Ask the Vet: Why is My Dog’s Nipple Bleeding? [Answered]This article was updated on January 20th, 2024When I worked as a veterinarian in practice, I got a few visits from clients about bleeding nipples on their dogs. Some were caused by injuries, but others […]
- 30 Short Hair, Medium-Sized Dog Breeds With Low-Maintenance CareThis article was updated on September 1st, 2023Short hair, medium-sized dog breeds are highly sought-after. These breeds not only possess a sleek and manageable coat, but they have reduced shedding and minimal grooming requirements. In […]
- Black Nipple on Your Dog? Our Vets Explain When It’s NormalThis article was updated on March 14th, 2024If you’ve noticed one (or a few) of your dog’s nipples have suddenly turned black, it can be concerning. But there are various reasons for black nipples, and […]
- Dog With Brown Teeth [With Pictures]: What You Need to DoThis article was updated on August 31st, 2023While conducting a routine exam on a patient, I noticed a few of his teeth were brown. I checked his record and discovered that he hadn’t had a […]
- Inverted Nipples in Dogs: Our Vet Explains What to DoOne day, a dog parent called me because he saw what he termed, “a small, dark hole,” on his furbaby’s abdomen in place of the nipple. After asking some questions, I told him it sounded […]
- Bright Red Blood in Dog’s Stools: Is it an Emergency? [Vet Advice]This article was updated on February 18th, 2024Seeing bright red blood anywhere on your canine companion is enough to send any pet parent into an immediate frenzy, especially if that bright red blood is in […]
- White Spots on a Dog’s Nose: Our Vet Shares 5 CausesThis article was updated on March 11th, 2024Your dog’s skin is an ever-changing organ. It grows, regenerates, and even changes color. One of those color changes that you may see is white spots on your […]
- Maggots in Dog Poop: Pictures & Veterinarian CommentsAs a vet, a good part of my day is spent discussing and examining dog poop! It may seem absurd, but is a good habit to check your dog’s poop regularly, to see if there […]
- Dog With Worms: How Fast Will Worms Kill a Dog?This article was updated on August 24th, 2023It is common for dogs to have worms: some estimates suggest that up to 1 in 5 of every dog has internal parasites. For most, they are a […]
- Dog Cushing’s Disease Impact on Back Legs: Our Vet ExplainsIn my years as a veterinarian, I’ve frequently come across Cushing’s disease in dogs, a hormonal disorder that can manifest in many ways. While many are familiar with the general symptoms, the impact on the […]
- Cushing’s Disease Neurological Signs in DogsIn my years as a veterinarian, I’ve frequently come across Cushing’s disease in dogs, a hormonal disorder that can manifest in myriad ways. While many are familiar with the general symptoms, the neurological aspects of […]
- Pictures of Dogs With Hives [6 Examples]This article was updated on September 19th, 2023When I worked as a veterinarian in a pet clinic, owners would often call me because their dogs had red, itchy bumps, and they were not sure what […]
- Gum Dehydration in Dogs: What it Looks Like [With Pictures & Vet Advice]This article was updated on November 14th, 2023Dehydration in dogs can be a serious issue that dog owners need to be able to recognize as soon as possible. One of the easiest ways to check […]
- Low-Cost Dental Cleaning for Dogs: Your Options to Pay LessAs a veterinarian, I have performed my share of dental cleanings on dogs, so I understand concerns about the cost of treatment. One thing I can attest to is that the cost goes up if […]
- Dog Vomiting Worms: Our Veterinarian Shares What to DoAs a veterinarian working in a clinic for dogs and cats, I see pets infested with worms on most days. While I encounter dogs with worms so often, it is actually very rare for me […]
- Dog Paw Allergy Issues: 6 Tips to Help Your Dog [With Pictures]One of my pet parents brought her dog into the clinic because he was furiously licking and chewing on his paws. After examining the paws for signs of injury or infection and asking questions about […]
- 5 Common Elbow Issues in DogsThis article was updated on September 4th, 2023As a general practice veterinarian in small animal medicine, I commonly see dogs present with front leg limping or lameness. There are numerous causes to be considered, but […]
- Pictures of 6 Common Dog Teeth ProblemsThis article was updated on August 13th, 2023Most dogs will encounter some dental issues at some point in their life and, in my experience, they are easily missed by even the most dedicated owner. Signs […]
- Vet Explains How Often to Express Dog’s Anal GlandsThis article was updated on August 26th, 2023As a veterinarian, anal gland expression forms part of our daily routine. This smelly job is essential to keep many dogs comfortable. In this article, we’ll delve into […]
- Yeast Dog Smell: How to Get Rid of the SmellYeast is a normal inhabitant of your dog’s skin. When all systems are healthy, you won’t even know it’s there. But when something gets off with your dog’s normal balance, those yeast numbers can really […]
- Anal Gland Rupture in Dogs: Treatments and RecoveryThis article was updated on September 17th, 2023When I had a call from a client because his dog had blood and pus oozing from his butt, I told him to bring her in right away. […]
- Treating Dog Hives at Home: 5 Steps From Our VetDog hives definitely carry a certain wow factor in their appearance and sudden onset, even for seasoned veterinarians. Dog owners may be wowed and even a little scared about seeing hives in their dogs. Fortunately, […]
- Dog Drooling and Shaking: Top Reasons and What to DoExcessive drooling and shaking are two common concerns of our clients. First, evaluate if your dog’s drooling is “excessive” or unusual How much doggy drool is normal? That’s a question I often get at the overnight […]
- 8 Pictures of Fungal Skin Infections in Dogs [with Veterinarian Comments]This article was updated on September 17th, 2023As a seasoned veterinarian, I’ve encountered many cases of fungal skin infections in dogs, most of which are mild. I typically see these infections in atopic dogs who […]
- 7 Tips to Help a Sick Dog Drink Water [Vet Tech Advice]This article was updated on November 14th, 2023Sick dogs can be reluctant when it comes to drinking water, which can be frustrating for pet owners and veterinary technicians. Water is crucial for a healthy body, […]
- Bump or Lump After a Tick Bite – A Reason to Worry?Ticks are found in every US state and in many other countries around the world. Amazingly, there are over 900 species of the little critters! Not only do they pose a challenge for our pets, […]
- 6 Causes of White Spots or Specks in Dog Poop [Pictures]This article was updated on January 16th, 2024As a veterinarian, I frequently receive inquiries from owners who are worried that their dog’s poop looks unusual – sometimes with white spots in it. This can be […]
- My Dog Has a Loose Tooth! Our Vet Answers Your QuestionsOne day a client called because she found a loose tooth in her dog’s mouth when she was brushing his teeth. Knowing her furbaby was an adult, I explained that loose teeth can be a […]
- My Female Dog Smells Bad: Top Reasons & What to Do“Doc, Sadie has a really bad odor…” When he called to schedule an exam, a client explained about his dog over the phone. I asked him some basic questions about her diet and bathroom habits […]
- 11 Types of HARD Lumps on Dogs [With Pictures]This article was updated on October 2nd, 2023Hard lumps can be a wide range of things, some of which are worrying and sinister and others that are completely harmless or benign. A new hard lump […]
- Bleeding Anal Glands in Dogs: Our Vet Explains What to DoThis article was updated on August 26th, 2023One of the pet patients I recently treated for anal gland issues came to the clinic because he was bleeding from around the anus. As I spoke with […]
- Leaking Anal Glands in Dogs: Causes & RemediesThis article was updated on August 26th, 2023While we share a lot of the same anatomy with our furry family members, there are a few major differences – for example, anal glands! These small sacs […]
- How Long Dogs Live with Congestive Heart Failure [Life Expectancy]This article was updated on October 31st, 2023If a furry family member is ill, it can be devastating for their pet parents, especially when grappling with a significant issue like congestive heart failure (CHF). You […]
- Our Veterinarian Explains: Is Beef Liver Good For Dogs?As a practicing vet, I have owners approach me almost daily to discuss their dog’s diet and what options are best. For the last decade or two, there has been a real trend to feed […]
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