The website is a part of my own LLC, and as a commercial enterprise it does accept advertising and other forms of compensation.

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I enjoy providing fun, informative and FREE information to my visitors, and the actual content of this site is written by the owners and is unique and independent of any sponsorship or affiliate relationship.

Although I may be compensated if you buy certain products or click on certain advertisements that are mentioned, featured or recommended, you can be certain that no advertiser will ever influence the content, topics or posts made on this website or blog.

Payment is never accepted in exchange for a product or service review and posts or articles are never composed for the purpose of including advertising.

Product Claims

I take time and trouble to seek out high quality products and services that will be of value to my visitors, and provide a link so that you can evaluate or purchase them should they want to.

I  always give our honest opinions, findings, beliefs or experiences.

All views and opinions expressed on this website are purely my own and any product claim, statistic, quote or other representation about a product or service should be verified with the manufacturer, provider or party in question.

Any product claim, statistic, quote, or other representation about a product or service that is featured on this site has been received from the manufacturer or the provider of the product. I have not necessarily used or tested each product.

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This site contains third party advertisments from which I earn a small amount of compensation when a visitor clicks on one of them.

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There are also some affiliate merchants whose products are featured on my site. If you click on a banner, link or text advertisement and buy a product from these merchants I receive a small commission.

Some of these affiliates include (but are not limited to) Amazon, OnlyNaturalPet, 1-800-Pet-Meds, JustAsk and more.

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It takes time, money and effort to deliver original content and provide all the FREE information that this website offers.

Please do support my sponsors and recommendations as this allows me to continue to make all the information on this website freely available and without charge.

I greatly appreciate all contributions to this site and I hope you have enjoy visiting I truly value your trust, loyalty and support

Thanks again!



  • dr winnie with dog

    Dr. Winnie earned a Master in Biology from St Georges University, and graduated from the University of Pretoria's Veterinary School. She is a full-time Veterinarian specializing in internal medicine for companion animals.

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