Dog’s Life Expectancy With Lyme Disease: Our Vet Explains

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tick on a dog

This article was updated on May 1st, 2023

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As a veterinarian that works in the Northeastern United States, I am far too familiar with Lyme Disease. It is endemic to this region of the country, and many dogs and people alike become infected. In this article, we will review symptoms and treatment options, as well as discuss dogs’ life expectancy and survival rate with Lyme disease.

Lyme disease is caused by Borrelia burgdorferi, a bacteria that is transmitted to dogs via tick bites. Dogs that are not on monthly tick preventatives are at risk of contracting the disease. Many animals will never show clinical signs of infection, but the animals that do can have major consequences. 

hikers in the forest with a sign that says "beware of ticks"

How Will Lyme Disease Affect My Dog?

Only 5-10% of dogs who are infected with Lyme disease will show clinical signs. Most dogs who show signs of illness will develop them 2-5 months after becoming infected during the chronic stage of the disease. Of these dogs that do develop clinical signs, <1-2% of dogs will develop Lyme nephritis. 

As an emergency veterinarian, I treat mostly dogs who have Lyme disease and are ill: dogs are generally feeling unwell or are suffering serious consequences of Lyme nephritis. This is a major complication of Lyme Disease where dogs will develop an acute kidney injury and become extremely ill. 

Dogs that are clinical for Lyme disease will have signs that include:

  • Lameness
  • Swollen lymph nodes
  • Joint swelling
  • Fatigue
  • Fever
  • Loss of appetite
  • Neurological signs

Clinical signs of Lyme nephritis include:

  • Vomiting, diarrhea, poor appetite, dark stools
  • Excessive drinking
  • Excessive urination or decreased urination
  • Oral ulcers
  • Peripheral edema/swelling 
  • Spontaneous bleeding
  • Dehydration

What is the Life Expectancy With Lyme Disease (With & Without Treatment)?

Many dogs with only mild signs of Lyme disease will live a long, healthy life once they are appropriately treated. Dogs who are not clinical for Lyme disease or those who have mild signs of the disease are likely to make a full recovery. They will have a normal life. 

For dogs showing more severe signs, life expectancy depends on the situation. For example:

  • Dogs with chronic joint pain are unlikely to die from the disease but may have a decreased quality of life. 
  • Dogs with neurological signs may develop seizure disorders even after treatment. This can shorten life expectancy if the seizure activity becomes challenging to control. Dogs with severe joint inflammation or neurological signs may have a shortened life span due to a decreased quality of life. This is especially true for animals with chronic joint pain or those who develop seizures. 
  • Dogs with Lyme nephritis have a poor prognosis: one study found that all 49 dogs who were enrolled were euthanized between 1-8 weeks after diagnosis. Many will not survive even with aggressive treatment. Dogs that survive the first month of treatment will generally have a good survival rate of an average of 400 days. Dogs with Lyme nephritis may become very ill secondary to acute kidney injury.
  • It is important to know that many dogs that survive acute kidney injury may develop chronic kidney disease. These dogs will likely need lifelong monitoring and treatments.  
dog with kidney disease being treated

How Will the Vet Treat Lyme Disease?

Just because a dog tests positive for Lyme disease, it does not mean that treatment is always recommended: if your dog is clinically normal, many vets will recommend monitoring. If you are concerned your dog is showing clinical signs of Lyme disease and has tested positive, your veterinarian may recommend an antibody test called a Lyme Quant C6. This is a qualitative test looking at actual levels of antibodies to determine if they are high enough to justify treatment. At my clinic, the cost for this test is around $200. 

If your dog is clinical for Lyme disease and/or has a high antibody level, treatment will be recommended. Treatment consists of a month-long course of antibiotics – typically doxycycline. This medication is relatively inexpensive. A fast response is typically seen where joint pain and swelling will improve a few days after initiation of therapy. Dogs with joint pain should receive adequate medication for pain control. 

Dogs with Lyme nephritis may become incredibly ill secondary to acute kidney injury. They will become azotemic and feel unwell from high circulating levels of urea. Many veterinarians will refer these dogs to a referral hospital where they can receive intensive care. These dogs will require intravenous fluids, antibiotics, gastro-protective medications, anti-clotting medication, and immunosuppressive drugs. In severe cases of the disease, dogs may need blood or albumin transfusions or even dialysis.  

Can Dogs Survive Lyme Disease Without Treatment?

As many dogs who are positive for the disease never show clinical symptoms, treatment is not always recommended. 

Dogs that have clinical signs of joint pain are unlikely to die without treatment but will suffer the consequences of the infection on their joint health. They may experience joint damage, osteoarthritis, or chronic pain. Dogs that have neurological signs can progress to having seizures, especially if left untreated. 

Dogs that develop Lyme nephritis need veterinary care. Without aggressive treatment, they will die from the consequences of renal disease or clotting disorders.    

How Can I Make My Dog’s Life Better with Lyme Disease?

Any dog who has tested positive for Lyme disease should be closely monitored at home and by their veterinarian. Early action, if clinical signs occur, is important to prevent the progression of the disease. It is important to ensure antibiotics are administered as directed by your veterinarian and the entire course is completed. After treatment, use appropriate tick prevention, as dogs can be reinfected. 

Dogs with Lyme arthritis should be treated with pain medication to ensure their comfort. Make sure they have comfortable bedding and gradually increase exercise as they feel better. 

Dogs who are recovering from Lyme nephritis will need extra TLC. They should have free access to fresh water at all times. They may need to urinate more frequently, so multiple walks a day are recommended. Most will benefit from a renal diet and may need subcutaneous fluid therapy. These dogs will require frequent rechecks with their veterinarian for urine testing and bloodwork to assess renal function. 


Can a Dog Overcome Lyme Disease?

Most dogs with clinical signs of Lyme disease will make a full recovery and have an excellent prognosis. Dogs who have Lyme nephritis have a grave prognosis, and many will not survive even with aggressive treatment. 

What Are the Three Stages of Lyme Disease in Dogs?

Lyme disease is designated into three stages predominantly in human medicine:

Stage 1: Early local disease – 1-4 weeks 

  • This is a localized disease that develops near the site of the tick bite. This is when there is inflammation of the skin and evidence of fever, swollen lymph nodes, and joint pain. 

Stage 2: Early disseminated disease – 1-4 months

  • This is when the disease will cause systemic side effects such as multiple joint inflammation or neurological signs

Stage 3: Late persistent Lyme Disease 

  • This is where lasting damage to the joints or nerves can occur. Chronic arthritis can develop alongside facial paralysis. 

This staging scheme is not the same for veterinary patients. Infections are typically divided into acute and chronic phases of the disease. 

Is Lyme Disease Painful in Dogs?

Yes and no. Lyme disease does not always cause pain. If it causes inflammation of the joints, many dogs will be uncomfortable or have lameness. 

Can Lyme Disease Paralyze a Dog?

No, Lyme disease is unlikely to cause paralysis in dogs. Ticks that transmit Lyme disease can lead to tick paralysis, which is a very different issue. Learn more about tick paralysis here


  • Dr Paula Simons, Emergency Vet

    Dr. Paula Simons is an emergency veterinarian at Cornell University Veterinary Specialists (CUVS), a leading 24/7 Emergency and Critical Care Hospital (CUVS is affiliated with the renowned Cornell University College of Veterinary Medicine, a world leader in veterinary care). She graduated with a Doctorate in Veterinary Medicine (DVM) from the Ontario Veterinary College in 2019.

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Disclaimer: This website's content is not a substitute for veterinary care. Always consult with your veterinarian for healthcare decisions. Read More.


  1. Hello, You appear to have the best knowledge I have come across in longevity in dogs infected with lyme’s disease.

    My pup caught it when he was 5 mths old, he’s 16 months now. He had it bad and went from a limp to struggling to pee, to lethargic and stiff and losing bladder control in 6-8 hours. I got him treated with doxycycline at the time, however, I wasn’t convinced it was out of his system or hadn’t caused joint damage as he was pulling up lame for a few days each month on alternating rear legs with no apparent cause of an injury.

    I got him xray’d and blood tested – his xrays showed severe hip dysplasia (despite him behaving like a normal happy active dog) and his blood tests were positive. He’s on another course of doxycycline now with a blood test booked for afterwards to ensure he’s clear.

    he’s a young dog, who I was planning to train for species detection and pulling loads, I understand get he can’t do that now, however, I would still love to do some hiking and camping on some gentler paths – he’s not going anywhere, I’m just trying to feel out what his future may look like now.

    Do you know if there is any chance of him getting hip surgery? and what the success rate might be?

    Thank you,

  2. My vet said my dog tested positive for lyme disease back in 2019. I do not recall this at all and they said I refused treatment. It’s now 2023 and they say he tested positive for lyme disease as well as last year too. First, I’d never decline treatment and second if my dog did have lyme why hasn’t he shown it in the past 5 years? My dog eats well, drinks normal has a ton of energy and has had no signs of limping or stiffness of joints. When we play ball he’ll jump close to 6 feet into the air to catch the ball. Shouldn’t he have some sings of lyme disease in the past 5 years? He’s 6 years old now.
    A caring mom

    • Hi there and thanks for your question. Many dogs are silent carriers of Lyme disease so will not have obvious signs. Dogs should be treated if their positive test is above a certain threshold and your vet can confirm with the lab if this is the case or not.
      Dr Linda Simon MVB MRCVS
      “The information on this website is not a substitute for in-person veterinary care. Always seek advice from your veterinarian if you have concerns about your pet’s medical condition.”

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