Putting Your Dog To Sleep: a Heart-Wrenching Kindness

Score for Seniors:
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Weight: Pounds

This article was updated on August 27th, 2023

Putting your dog to sleep is one of the hardest decisions of life. The realization that the joyous days with your furry friend might be coming to a conclusion is enormously painful. But as much as it hurts, it’s necessary to understand a few things and prepare in advance.

We all want to help our beloved pet cross the Rainbow Bridge peacefully and gently. With modern-day veterinary medicine, and by following the ‘Humane Euthanasia Protocol’, we can make this a reality for Fido or Fifi. But for we owners, left behind to second-guess our decision, and wrestling with feelings of loss and guilt – it’s not peaceful at all.

Putting Your Dog to Sleep – A Final Act Of Love

Whether we call it ‘putting our dog to sleep’, ‘putting our dog down’ or ‘euthanizing our dog’,  it’s a subject no one wants to talk about – and with good reason. But it’s one we must talk about, especially as the owners of older, elderly, or senior dogs. Our dogs are much-loved family members but they can’t (and won’t) live forever.

It is our moral duty to ensure that our loyal companions do not endure unnecessary suffering; delaying euthanasia when our dogs are in pain is not fair to them.

Dogs live for only a fraction of a human lifetime, and we know that when we bring Fido into our lives, but we don’t want to think about losing him.

There are lots of questions, a swirling maelstrom of emotions, and practical considerations as well.

8 Important Questions About Putting Your Dog To Sleep

To help dog owners who are considering putting their dogs to sleep, we have written this detailed guide, with 8 important questions to consider:

On this page, I’m going to take a close look at dog euthanasia, and the questions, controversies, and emotions that surround it.

When Is It Time to Euthanize Your Dog?

‘How will I know it’s the right time to euthanize my dog?’

This is probably one of the most common questions owners ask, and the most difficult one to answer. I’ve seen (and felt) the distress, pain, and internal battle that it causes. In fact, there may not be a clear-cut ‘right’ time to euthanize your dog, but there is often (although not always) a window where it could be considered the ‘best’ time for a number of reasons.

There are some situations where the answer to this question is pretty clear-cut:

  • When a dog is in severe, chronic pain which can’t be relieved
  • When a dog is critically injured and won’t be able to survive the damage
  • If a dog’s quality of life is so poor that he/she is merely ‘existing’ not ‘living’

But, there are more ‘gray’ areas than black and white. Which is the right choice to make when:

  • Our dog is in long-term chronic pain, but it IS relieved by medication/treatment
  • He isn’t able to run/play and barely eats, but still seems to be comfortable
  • She has a terminal disease, but doesn’t have any insurmountable symptoms – yet
  • Our dog is mostly anxious/confused but has short periods of being her ‘old self’
  • He has no appetite, often refuses to drink, and has trouble with incontinence

There are also other potentially difficult situations, such as:

  • When a dog is aggressive to the point of being dangerous, and training, behavioral modification, and other treatments haven’t helped.
  • When finances simply don’t allow you to afford ongoing, long-term treatment for your dog’s severe, chronic, and eventually terminal health conditions.
  • When your dog could survive for some time to come, but his life will be full of vet visits, painful treatments, anxiety, and stress… with no hope of recovery, just management.

All of the above clearly shows that there is NO single, one-size-fits-all answer to any of these questions. As owners, we know our dogs better than anyone else in the world.

Questions To Ask Yourself

If you’re wondering whether this is the time when you need to consider putting your dog to sleep, these questions might help clarify things for you.

Although the answers aren’t going to be ‘cut-and-dried’, asking yourself these questions (and answering honestly) will help you gauge the quality of life your dog is experiencing:

  • Is my dog in pain which can’t be controlled?
  • Is he able to eat/drink/pee/poop without regular assistance?
  • Can he move around? Get outside to pee/poop? Toddle over for a cuddle?
  • Does he find enjoyment in food/toys/treats/cuddles… anything?
  • Is he scared, anxious, or confused most of the time?
  • Does he take comfort from being around you, or at home, or is he oblivious?
  • Does he participate in life in any way, or is he just ‘existing’?

Once you’ve looked at the answers you’ve given to these questions, you’ll probably have a better idea of what you feel is the right path to take, at this point.

It could be that you realize your dog is still relatively comfortable and is getting enjoyment or comfort from each day. If this is the case, then you may not need to think about putting your dog to sleep just yet.

Take our ‘Quality of Life’ Quiz

If you would like to get our opinion on your own personal situation, you can click “Start” on the image below, and answer 6 questions in our quiz:


Should you put your dog to sleep? (Answer 6 key questions)

Putting your dog to sleep is one of the toughest decisions an owner can face. Click "start" and answer these 6 questions to get our point of view.

1 / 6

How easy is it for your dog to eat? (1 being easy, 5 being very challenging)
If your dog needs help with hand-feeding, or shows little interest in food, select a number between "2" and "4". If your dog needs a feeding tube, select "5".

2 / 6

Is your dog in pain? (1 being no pain and 5 very high pain)
If your dog moves with no obvious pain, select "1" or "2". If your dog appears in pain or does not move a lot, select "4" or "5".

3 / 6

How easy is it for your dog to stay hydrated? (1 being easy, 5 being very challenging)
A dog who drinks without help may be a "1". A dog needing subcutaneous fluids to increase fluid intake may be a "5".

4 / 6

Is your dog incontinent? (1 being no incontinence, 5 being unable to control)
Select "1" if your dog is able to potty outside without help, "2" or "3" if your dog has small accidents or is able to use solutions such as in-home pads. Select "4" or "5" if your dog can't control where to poo or pee.

5 / 6

Does your dog seem happy?
If your dog shows excitement and is responsive to the environment, select "1" or "2". If your dog appears depressed or anxious even in a happy setting, select a higher number.

6 / 6

Does your dog need assistance to move?
If your dog is able to move and go on walks, select "1". If he can't move without help, select "4" or "5".

Your score is


An important note about pain in dogs: how do you know if your dog is in pain?

However, keep the following in mind: your dog can’t tell you when he’s in pain, in fact, he’ll most likely try his best to pretend he’s fine, so don’t assume that if he’s not crying or whining then he’s fine.

Common signs of distress/pain in dogs include:

  • Excessive panting and/or drooling
  • Excessive shaking & shivering – even in a warm environment
  • A distended, rigid tummy
  • Short, rapid breathing patterns
  • Lethargy, hiding, excessive sleeping
  • Whining, crying, or whimpering – when touched, moved, or at any time
  • Loss of appetite and/or thirst
  • Vomiting, excessive yawning, retching

For a more detailed look at the way dogs handle, exhibit (and sometimes hide) pain check out this page Is My Dog in Pain? 

Chronic problems like arthritis, poor sight or hearing, incontinence, or confusion (such as seen in Old Dog Syndrome) can usually be managed effectively for some time, but eventually, there will be a point where you have to differentiate between a ‘fair’ quality of life and one that is ‘unfair’, to both of you.

But do remember, that what WE as humans might consider a poor quality of life, isn’t necessarily perceived the same way by our dogs. For example, dogs don’t worry about the future.

There’s often a relationship between dog and owner that is more ‘sixth sense’ than it is physical communication, and your ‘gut’ may well guide you when it comes to choosing the right, or best, time to help him reach the Rainbow Bridge.

There’s no single way to make this difficult decision as every dog, every owner, and every situation (and combination of these three) is different.

I recently came across a couple of websites that might be of interest to anyone who is caring for a terminally ill senior dog or grieving (whether in advance or after the fact) the death of a beloved pet.

There’s information, advice, support, lists of relevant organizations & services (including pet cemeteries and crematoriums) plus newsletters, in memoriams, chat rooms, and more. Check these out:

International Association of Animal Hospice & Palliative Care (IAAHPC)

The Association for Pet Loss & Bereavement (APLB)

I suggest that you let your veterinarian give you the practical information that you need, and then follow your own heart and instincts.

You might also want to talk to your partner, other family members, or dog-owning friends and ask for input, advice, or just a shoulder to cry on.

Although non-dog-owing friends will be eager to help you too, if they don’t feel the same way about dogs as you do, and/or have never been in this situation, they’re unlikely to be able to understand your emotions.

And don’t forget faith and prayer.

Personally, I believe dogs most definitely have souls, and I believe that God cares for all animals and I have no qualms about praying for guidance in reference to my pets as well as humans!

You love your dog, and you’re doing the best you can to make sure that he doesn’t suffer and has the chance to pass peacefully from this life to the next.

It’s a very personal decision and one you’re putting a lot of thought into, so once you have decided, try not to second-guess yourself.

Trust your decision-making process and do your best to be calm and accepting, your emotions will spill over onto your dog so make it easier for him/her by being easier on yourself.

What Happens During The Euthanasia Process?

dog getting a kiss from owner

This is something else you might not want to think about, but I know that in order to make a decision about something, I always need all the facts. You may be the same way.

When the time came to euthanize my old friend, I wanted to make absolutely sure that she got the very best care and the most peaceful and pain-free farewell possible.

Having a working knowledge of the way euthanasia works helped reduce the anxiety and fear that I felt for her because I knew that she wasn’t going to be afraid, or suffer from the process.

While holding her head and watching her face I could clearly see that she slipped from this world slowly and peacefully. I couldn’t have asked for more.

I am so very grateful for that.

There’s something called the ‘Humane Euthanasia Protocol’ which is basically a set of guidelines for veterinarians who are administering euthanasia – whether at a veterinary clinic or a dog’s own home.

The Humane Euthanasia Protocol basically calls for there to be two parts to the euthanasia procedure:

  1. First, a sedative/tranquilizer/pain-reliever (or combination of these) is given
  2. Once the pet is relaxed and sedated, an IV is inserted for the administering of the euthanasia solution
  3. Then, after a few minutes spent saying ‘goodbye’ to family, another sedative may be given followed by the final drug which will stop the heart

Following these steps ensures that your dog doesn’t become scared or stressed and that he doesn’t feel any pain as he passes.

It’s the most humane form of dog euthanasia.

There are additional costs involved because multiple drugs are used, but it’s not prohibitive and to my mind, it’s more than worth spending those extra dollars.

The bad news is that veterinarians aren’t obliged to follow this protocol!

The generally acceptable method of putting a dog to sleep (which is, in fact, considered the ‘best practice’ by the World Society of Protection for Animals) is for a veterinarian to stop an animal’s heart with one injection of barbiturates.

Barbiturates are drugs that depress the central nervous system and given in high enough doses it will cause anesthesia, then death.

This form of euthanasia is effective and relatively quick, but it’s not always pain-free and can cause short-term distress or anxiety.

I definitely don’t want my dog to feel pain, fear, or distress, so when the time comes I will make sure that my veterinarian follows the Humane Euthanasia Protocol – to the letter.

You can do this too.

Simply let your vet know that this is the procedure you want for your dog  – and insist it’s followed!

Your veterinarian should be familiar with it, if not you can describe the steps as I have above, it’s not difficult to understand.

How Do I Say Goodbye To My Dog?

Saying goodbye to your dog is never easy.

The old ‘sent to a nice farm’ may have spared you the pain of losing a pet as a child. But as an adult, you will have to face this heartbreaking reality with a brave heart.

Your beloved Fido who you nurtured like a baby is moving on. Just the thought of letting him go is terrifying. You feel scared and overwhelmed with emotions. I know this is a difficult time but it’s also important that you spend those last days or moments with him to the fullest. So you don’t have any regrets later on. You’ll carry the loss but saying goodbye will unburden you of the guilt. You will know that you loved your baby and your baby loved you.

Here are a number of things you can do to say goodbye to your dog.

Decide things ahead of time

Unless you don’t get the choice, it’s always best to decide everything ahead of time. Whether you want to do it in the clinic or at home. Whether you want to bury him or go with cremation. Whether you’d like to keep the ashes or not. These are all the things that you will benefit from planning ahead. This will save you from the last-minute anxiety and wasting the time that you could be spending saying goodbye.

Memorize everything about him

Look at him. Notice everything about him. His innocent eyes looking up at you with love. The brown spots melting into his white coat or the white spots appearing unexpectedly on his brown coat. How his hair curls a little more around his neck. And just about every little unique thing that makes him HIM. Etch that image in your brain and hold onto it. These memories of him are what will live on.

Take a lot of pictures

This might not be right for every dog. But if you’re not in an emergency situation and your dog still somehow feels like himself, you should take a lot of pictures of him. It doesn’t have to be a full-blown photoshoot. These could be pictures of him lying on the couch or cuddling on your lap or simply doing his everyday things.

Get his nose or paw prints

Immortalizing your Fido or Fifi is an integral part of saying goodbye. One thing you can do to ensure that is to ask your vet for a paw impression or casting. Put the casting on the mantle or frame the impression along with the photo of your dog. A part of him will always be in the house.

Spoil him

If you’re lucky enough to get the chance, spoil him with things that he still loves and enjoys. Every dog has a favorite food. Maybe it’s a jar of peanut butter. A pint of chocolate ice cream. Or a big serving of strawberry-flavored yogurt. Bring it to him and let him lap it up. This will make him happy and take his mind off the discomfort he is in.

Read more: 18 things to do before putting your dog to sleep

Where Should My Dog Be Put To Sleep?

This subject is fraught with questions, dilemmas, and decisions… and the subject of where your dog should spend his last minutes is another big one.

Most commonly dogs are taken to a veterinary hospital/office for euthanasia to be administered, but there are vets who are willing to come to your home and put your dog to sleep in his own bed.

The cheapest way to euthanize your dog is to use the Humane Society, which offers low-cost options. Learn more in our article about the costs of putting your dog down or read the chart below:

infographics about the costs to put a dog down

There are pros and cons to each of these options, and you’ll need to take into account your dog’s size, mobility, and temperament as well as your own needs and abilities.

My daughter had her adopted senior dog, George (pictured earlier on this page) euthanized at home, and although it was a sad experience it was also quite stress-free – for him anyway.

You can discuss this with your own vet and ask if he/she would be willing to make a house-call and perform the procedure for you.

If the answer is ‘no’, then check out mobile veterinarians in your area. The In-Home Pet Euthanasia Directory has a comprehensive list of suitable veterinarians in both the USA and Canada.

So does the American Association of Housecall Veterinarians (www.homevets.org)

If you feel that putting your dog to sleep would be easier/better in a clinical environment, your own vet can do that for you.

Here’s a quick look at the positives and negatives of at-home vs. clinic procedures.

At-Home Dog Euthanasia

This might be the route to take if:

  • Your dog is too large, sick, or immobile to be transported to your vet’s office
  • If he’s very anxious about car trips or the vet clinic stresses him out
  • There are other dogs in the family (they’ll benefit from seeing his body)
  • If you feel that YOU will handle the situation better at home
  • You’d appreciate the privacy of experiencing this and grieving at home
  • If money isn’t a big worry. At-home procedures often incur extra costs

Euthanizing Your Dog At The Vet Clinic

This might be the right choice for you if:

  • You want your own vet to perform the procedure, but he won’t make a housecall
  • You’d prefer a ‘neutral’ location without the memories being associated with home
  • Going in the car or to the vet’s office doesn’t make your dog anxious
  • He is still mobile enough, or small enough, to transport easily
  • Cost is a concern

A Possible Compromise:

Depending on how well you know your veterinarian and how flexible and caring he/she is, you can often make a clinical euthanasia experience more comfortable and homely by bringing stuff from home to make your dog feel more relaxed.

His bed, blanket, or favorite toy can help. Also, you can ask your vet to prescribe a mild sedative (or sedative and pain reliever) that you can give to your dog a little while before you leave home. This will relax him and alleviate some of his anxieties.

As you can see there are a lot of things to take into consideration when you’re planning how/where to ease your pet from one world to another.

It’s a very personal decision and only you can make it.

How Much Does it Cost to Put a Dog to Sleep?

Dog with two veterinarians

This time we’re talking about cost in a purely practical way… not the emotional toll it takes but the financial one.

As with everything else, location affects pricing – and if you live in a small town in a rural area, chances are most things are going to be less expensive than if you live in a big metropolitan area.

In-home euthanasia is going to be the most expensive option – and even then the cost can vary depending upon ‘additional services’ or the number of veterinary hours it is going to take up. The additional services can include removal of your dog’s body, and cremation/burial and memorial options.

The size/weight of your dog also affects pricing because a bigger dog requires a larger dose of drugs, and cremation is more expensive for larger dogs.

Charges for dog euthanasia do vary quite considerably, but these are ball-park figures:

Cost Of Clinic Euthanasia: Somewhere between $130 and $350 with group cremation. Learn more.

It’s possible that if you live in a rural area and have a ‘big-animal vet’ whose job is to call on rural farms and homes, he may charge less. Then again, if you live in a big city where everything costs more (such as New York or LA), or opt for several additional services, it could almost certainly cost you more.

Cost Of At-Home Euthanasia: Somewhere between $320 and $650 with group cremation. Learn more.

The basic procedure will usually fall at the bottom end of this scale. The higher end of the price range usually includes additional services such as cremation, return of ashes, and so on. You can also take a look at the prices of the ‘Euthanasia Packages’ provided by one of the veterinarians on the ‘Pet Loss At Home’ network.

Cost of Euthanasia with the Humane Society: The Humane Society of the United States (or various other locations) offers low-cost euthanasia services. Somewhere between $75 and $190 (based on your pet’s weight), with group cremation. Learn more.

In my research, I discovered that it’s a good idea to pay for your dog’s euthanasia in advance of the ‘Day’.

That way you don’t have to worry about payment at a time when your emotions are running high, or have to re-live the heartbreak when you get the bill later on. This all makes perfect sense to me, and I think it’s sound advice. Learn more about the costs of putting a dog to sleep.

How Does it Work? Pet Cremation, Burial & Memorials

So, you’ve decided that it’s the right time to put your dog to sleep, and you’ve decided where, and how, you would like it done.

But there’s now one last decision to make – what do you want to happen to your dog’s body once his spirit has left it.

The options are the same as those for people… burial or cremation. Your veterinarian should be able to help you with both of these.

You’ll need to know about city ordinances that apply to at-home burials of pets, and also the location of pet-cemeteries or crematoriums.

You may want to have your dog’s ashes returned to you, usually in a decorative urn or box.

Rainbow Bridge poem from dog

Or you may not want to do any of the above. No decision is ‘right’ or ‘wrong’ here.

There are a lot of variables here and you’ll need to do whatever you feel will help you let your pet go, yet keep him close in your heart.

Your veterinarian is familiar with the facilities and choices available to you and will be able to help.

How to find a pet cemetery? 

If you choose to bury your dog, you may want to go for a pet cemetery. This will give you the comfort of knowing that the place will always be there. No matter where in the world you go, you can always come back and visit the resting spot of your pet. This list can help you find the pet cemeteries near you.

However, burying your pet in a dedicated place like that could cost you several hundred dollars.

How to bury your pet at home?

If cost is a concern, you can bury your pet in or around your home too. Choose a spot that’s not likely to be dug into in the future, for istance, flower beds. Also, make sure that you don’t choose one near the water pipes.

Dig three feet deep if the soil is light and two feet deep if it’s heavy. Wrap your dog’s body in a blanket and place it in a waterproof material. You may wish to put something on his chest that he cherished, for example, his favorite plushy.

After you’ve filled in the grave, place stones or plants pots on top of it. This will preventing scavanging animals from digging in.

When you are managing the loss, it doesn’t hurt to lean on family/friends either at this time.

You need to grieve the loss of your dog after euthanasia, and you’re entitled to do it in whatever way you want to, and take as long as you need to come to terms with your loss. Your pet was not ‘just a dog’!

Hang onto keepsakes if you need to, or hide everything away. Set up a memorial for him if you want to. Whatever works for you is what you need to do.

How Can I Manage The Loss?

The house that was once full of his happy presence now feels hauntingly empty. A hole seems to have appeared in your home and your heart. Dealing with the loss of your furry companion is not easy in any way. But there are some ways you can manage it.

Talk about it

Nobody can understand your grief like someone who has experienced it. If you have friends and relatives who have gone through what you’re going through, sit down and talk to them. Find a support group, join a forum, call a hotline to talk through your loss.

Have a ceremony

A ceremony could be cathartic for you. You can call your friends and family over but even if you don’t, you can have a small one with the house members. Remembering your pet snd cherishing the memories they left works really well for some people.

Ask questions about your pet’s departure 

Talking about the loss with your dog-owning friends helps a great deal but it might not be enough for some people. If you have any questions regarding the passing of your pet, ask them. No doubts, what ifs, and regrets should be lingering. Sit down with your vet and have all your questions answered (how your pet died and if there was ever a chance of survival).

Address any guilt

Putting your dog to sleep is also likely to flood you with the feeling of immense guilt. You are left wondering if you’re making the right choice. But the truth is that you are not taking the life of your pet, you are taking away his suffering. You are giving him the gift of kindness. A peaceful and painless departure to a much better place. Seek comfort in the fact that he is not lying down in pain and is probably up there playing with his other angel friends.

Should I Get Another Dog?

Once you’ve grieved for your dog, and have adjusted to his loss, you may want to consider adding another dog to your home and family.

Of course, the ‘new’ dog will never replace the ‘old’ one in your heart, but it can help to ease the loneliness and sadness.

BUT remember, every dog is different, and don’t compare your second dog to your first. They’re separate individuals and deserve to be loved and appreciated as such. If you do decide to get another dog, NEVER compare him with your previous pet.

In our family, we honor the memory of the previous dog by rescuing a lonely, needy dog from the local pound or rescue. It’s our way of making sure that something positive comes out of a pet’s death… and it really seems to help, everyone.

My Personal Experience of Dog Euthanasia at Home

I had my first experience with euthanizing a dog at home when my 14-year-old Rottweiler, Bonnie, collapsed suddenly as she went out for her pre-bed potty break.

It was around 8pm, totally unexpected, and moving her was not on the cards as I was sure her heart was failing and the stress and fear of being carried and then a car trip was more than I wanted to put her through at that point.

As we scrambled to find a mobile veterinarian in our area (we found 3, none of whom could come out), my son-in-law called the number on the Pet Loss At Home website and was put in touch with a local vet. She was lovely, came out immediately, and evaluated Bonnie, deciding that she was most likely in heart failure (the other, possible but unlikely option being torsion, but I was sure in my heart that was not the case).

My sweet, sweet girl would most likely not have survived being moved, let alone a fairly lengthy car ride (we live out in the country) and a rigorous exam. So, we all agreed that the kindest (and most appropriate) option was euthanasia, but it was a heart-wrenching decision nevertheless.

Thankfully, this wonderful lady vet walked us through the whole procedure. She was so kind, calm, and compassionate, which made it bearable. She even made a cast of Bonnies’ pawprint for us to keep (at no extra charge).

I had dreaded having to face this decision, more with every passing year (at 14 our Bonnie had lived longer than 99% of Rotties normally do), but circumstances dictated that she be euthanized at home, and the vet we were lucky enough to get made it manageable for everyone (although there were still a lot of tears).

Bonnie never seemed to be in pain, or really distressed, she slipped slowly to sleep after being given the pain-killer/sedative combination (she lost consciousness I guess, but she seemed to be dozing). Her heartbeat actually slowed and then stopped of its own accord before the euthanasia solution was administered. However, the vet did inject it anyway just to be absolutely sure that Bonnies’ heart had completed stopped before she was moved. Bonnie was much less stressed and upset than we were, which is exactly how I would have wanted it to be (although we did hold it together for her sake until she was ‘asleep’).

The Humane Euthanasia Protocol (talked about earlier on this page) was followed, and the cost of the whole procedure was $550 which included the call out, all medications, and removal of Bonnies’ body (which was done with love and dignity) and cremation. For personal belief reasons, I chose not to have her ashes returned to me, but could have done so at the cost of an additional $100.

So, not inexpensive, but not ridiculously over-priced either, considering that the whole procedure took almost 3 hours from vet arrival to departure, plus 3 large doses of drugs (my Bonnie girl was a big dog)… and that it was late evening and we live outside the main city.

I’m not sure whether Pet Loss At Home vets often make after-hours visits as this is a service that is often arranged for in advance, but I am eternally grateful that this lovely lady answered her phone last Wednesday evening and came straight out to help us. My Bonnie is at peace now.

Thank you Dr. Smith and God Bless you too.

Death, in general, is a difficult topic for most of us, and I know that I hope that when death does come looking for my pets… and for the people that I love… that they will all have the luxury of slipping away peacefully.

Euthanasia for pets, especially when done at home, is the very last gift we can give our precious animal companions. Perhaps one day a similar type of option will be available for us to choose if we want to as well.

This 5-minute video by veterinarian Jessica Vogelsang uses gentle humor to address the topic of death, and euthanasia in our pets…

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dog and tracheal collapse When to Euthanize Dog with Tracheal Collapse [Vet Advice] - From giving us companionship and unconditional love to providing us with endless entertainment, the connection you have with your dog… [...]

Disclaimer: This website's content is not a substitute for veterinary care. Always consult with your veterinarian for healthcare decisions. Read More.


  1. Although this was probably written a couple of years ago, thank you for the information and comfort. My 14 yo min-pin has had diabetes for 4 years now, and lately he has been having some issues. It is very hard because just 4 years ago, I lost my best friend, 13 year old mini-dachshund. She was my min-pin’s best friend too. He and I have become best friend’s now, and he helped me through a difficult time after losing her. Now, it seems soon will be his time, and frankly I am not ready for it! However, I will not let him go through pain and misery just so I will have him longer. My only regret is not doing more with him when he was healthier. My wife and I do not have children, and she is not as sensitive as I am with the dogs. I do not know, but when the first one passed on, I felt as if I lost a child. I have decided after this one, no more pets, I just cannot handle it emotionally.

    • I completely feel your pain. This past Friday, April 13th I had to put down my companion of 8 years. He was diagnosed with ketoacidosis and there was no way of curing him. I am sitting here at work feeling the weight of the world on my shoulders. What if I was more patient, what if I treated him sooner, what if I missed the signs etc. The vet told me that it is a genetic problem and there was nothing I could have done. That doesn’t really help me feel any better. He was a good dog. I feel like I failed him. The loss of him has destroyed me.

      • I totally feel your pain. April 28th I said good by to my fur baby and best friend of 16 years. She was our rock and joy. So smart and playful. Always knew exactly what was needed. Most vocal lady ever. I also am blaming myself and wondering if there was more i could have done. so many what if’s going through my head. I just try to take comfort in the fact that i loved her so much and spoiled my Tana-Lou Rotten.
        No matter what I too feel like I failed her somehow. I loved her with all my heart.
        “When I needed a hand she gave me her paw”

      • I feel your pain Leigh. I lost my precious Sammie last July, so it will be one year since I lost him. Your words, I felt it all too. I kept saying I failed him.still struggling with the pain of losing him. I wish we could have them for longer. My chihuahua Little Ricky is nearing his time at 14yrs, he has seizures and is on meds but the last few days they’ve.gotten really bad so he will see tomorrow. Hopefully an increase in meds will help..

    • Hello,
      I am struggling with when to put my adorable down. He’s eleven and a half. Unfortunately, we really don’t know if he has cancer of some sort or not. I suppose you’ll say ask the Vet. Well, I think I’ve been giving away money. An ultrasound was performed of his stomach and they saw “something” (they could not explain if it was a mass or not). I was never given a diagnosis. Now he has frequent UTI. They cannot explain that. I did try going to another vet but only for her to talk and not examine the dog. I do have an appointment with a specialist. I will not let my dog undergo any type surgery but I do want to know what is wrong. I suppose that will help me to decide as to what to do. Right now, he just sleeps. It’s hard for him to get up, he whine from 10pm until the wee hours. We cannot tell if he needs to relieves himself. We have to guess. We have to put a towel under his back hips to lift him. He doesn’t do the things he use to do. I am not liking this was of living for my dog and really have a hard time as to what to do. Is he ready now? OR do I keep the specialist’s appointment only to hear about this suspicious things in his stomach. Fill him up with more meds etc. Any help?

  2. i hear you i am heartbroken because i didnt know the signs of a blood clot , slowly creeping up until it was obvious however i do not know why they did not do a sonogram earlier i brought my love in on sunday having difficulty breathing … meds and sonograms should have been done along with the x rays , i am not happy with the care they gave my guy however i did not know what to ask for they suggested to let him go he was suffocating …. he looked very sad so i did what i thougth was best for him but i think the vet should have done more … very sad a terrible experience

  3. It’s beautiful all the way around, we choose to bring a animal into our lives. They make us laugh and are there o keep us healthy by walking us and it’s fun to teach them tricks and to be their buddies while they live. Cpt. Bruce was my best friend from when I adopted him to when he went in my arms at the vet. He could not stand up anymore and I gave him 3 days to bounce back and then he went on the the next realm of whatever is next. Helga is a 14 year old German Shepherd and she is close, it’s hard and I sympathize with your loss. We have to remind ourselves that we gave them a good life and not beat ourselves up over the possibilities of what we could have done differently. Bruce Cakes appeared in my dreams until I knew he was good and I’ll never forget his bark and goofy walk. We know when it’s time but also when it’s not time. Peace and love.

  4. I had to put my little guy down yesterday,May 29th, it broke my heart. He wasn’t quite 12 but he developed a brain tumor. I’ve been giving him seizure meds for the last 4 months and he seemed to be doing well. However, this last week he started to go downhill quick. I agonized over whether or not to put him to sleep for days but in the end my husband and I decided it was better to put him to sleep a week too early rather than wait a minute too long. He was a good boy and didn’t deserve any of this. It’s hard and I miss him so much but my husband keeps reminding that I always gave our pup what he needed and this was the final thing he needed from me. So to everyone who is going through this horrible time just remember this is just part of showing our pets how much we love them because we refuse to let them go through needless pain.

    • Ugh, so sorry to hear that. The decision is never easy and it’s important to remember all the joy he brought into your life.

  5. I really appreciate you helping me learn more about pet euthanasia. I have an old pet named Storm, he’s turning 11 years old next week. He’s my first pet and I love him so dearly. My Storm is sick for about two months now. My heart is crying to see him in pain, he might sleep for good.

  6. Thank you call for helping me make my decision. We are going to have take out dear Molly in today. She has had an ongoing problem with her bladder, and is now totally incontinent and peeing dark, dark urine. She has been a wonderful lab for the past 16 years, and this is hard. My Vet was right, you will know the time. We have a Boarder Collie at home with Bladder Cancer that we will have to deal with in the coming months. My heart goes out to everyone who has had the great fortune to love and be loved by and animal – may they all rest in Peace and be there when we cross the Rainbow Bridge too!

  7. Your article has really helped me. Our yellow lab will turn 14years old next month. She has had no bowel control for over 2 years. She recently has had pee issues too despite her being on a hormone to help with that. We believe she has dementia as she has some good days and bad. Her hips have gone out a couple of times and her tail has been down for a couple of years. She still is eating but sometimes doesn’t finish her food. She has lost weight in the last year too. She has times when she is trembling so she may be in pain. When she wouldn’t run after a tennis ball a couple of days ago we have decided it is time to let her go. Its such a painful decision but we dont want to let her get into pain and want to give her a Death with Dignity. We have planned to say goodbye to her the day before her 14th birthday. In the mean time we want to give her all the love and good beach walks till her time is up. Why does this feel so painful? We have put other dogs down but they were sick. She is just old….

    • I put my sweet girl down two days ago. I feel as if I have lost a child. I am complete devastated and broken. She had arthritis in her knee and her back. She would fall and trip a lot simply because holding herself up was too much sometimes. She couldn’t get up the one stair we had from the garage to the house without help. She peed all over my house every day for a couple of weeks at the end, it seemed like she didn’t even realize it was happening at times. She’s just be standing next to us when all of a sudden she would start peeing. Once she went in her own bed and just laid in it. I had to throw it away. She would tremble a lot, I was never sure if it was because she wasn’t feeling well or because she thought she was a bad girl for having an accident etc. Because she was peeing everywhere in my house, I had to put her in he garage when I left for work in case she needed to go. But when I got home she was really sad as if I was punishing her. That’s when I had to make my choice. She was 13 1/2 years old. I prolonged it because she was still eating and never whimpered as if she was in pain. But even on pain meds she could barely walk, needed help to get up. Was losing her mind and getting confused a lot. It was the hardest decision I’ve ever had to make. I haven’t stopped crying since it happened. The vet did it really fast, first the sedative and immediately afterwards the euthanasia. I have mixed feelings about how fast it was. I am grateful I was able to hold her as she left. I felt her heart beat really fast at first because she wasnt sure what was happening, then I felt it slowly fade away. I keep replaying it in my head and I still don’t know if it was the right decision. But I am doing my best to not second guess my choice and be relieved knowing I did my best to give her the best life possible and she’s no longer hurting. I loved her so much. I will miss her forever. 🙁

    • Thank you. This is mostly what my Cookie and I are going through. She can’t hear and therefore has dad no desire to play with her favorite squeaky toys for over a year now. She can’t see below her nose and has been tripping and falling, stepping in her food and water. She is mostly incontinent and will go everywhere besides her bed. Then she can’t see it and steps in it if I don’t catch it quickly. She has been in diapers a lot of the time lately too. Lastly, she has collapsed twice in the past month and now can’t walk much without falling and usually can’t get up on her own. I think it’s time. Your post helped me a lot. Thank you.

  8. I’m having to put my Rottweiler to rest very soon. We just found out he has Osteosarcoma (bone cancer). It’s already spread to the lungs. We haven’t done it yet and I’m a complete mess. IVE been crying in the bathroom nonstop. I don’t want him to see me cry or be sad. I’m trying so hard to be strong for him and my bf. My bf has been crying and he hasn’t cried in 5 years since his friend past. Ive had many dogs before. I’ve never had the bond I had with them as I do with Sig now. I’m just not ready and don’t feel like I’ll ever be, but I don’t want him to be in pain. I don’t want to be selfish. This article made me decide to have him euthanized at home eating his favorite people food. Where he’s most comfortabl. I don’t have a lot of money but I will and have gone homeless for this dog. He deserves that.

  9. Thank you so much for this. Our furbaby is just 14. She’s been going down hill for about a year. Walks are shorter and she developed shaking in her back legs. Then last Sunday i woke up to lots of sick and poo. She keep being sick and she’s been pooing as she walks and in her sleep some times for about 6 months. She went off her food gradually and hasn’t drunk any water for about 6 days. We were syringing it into her mouth every day since Sunday but yesterday she just let’s it drop out. We booked a home visit for today and the children came round last night to say their goodbyes. I came on here to see if we are making the right decision and after reading this i know we have. I feel guilty for shooting at her for “dawdling” on her walks. If was more of a dog drag. But she was in pain! Vet said she has arthritis in her back and hips. Although bloods and Udine cane back clear the vet said she’s not a happy dog and she is suffering. This breaks our hearts. Or other dog has diarea so we had to rule out an infection with antibiotics and gave her lots of pain meds. But she’s still not drinking and only eating scrambled egg and rice so i know it’s the right decision. Goodbye Bellbells. You’ve been my best friend and comforter, and i know Poppy, Pepper and Suesue are waiting for you over Rainbow Bridge. See you later Bellinator.

  10. This artical was amazing it really did help me alot, I have a 13yr old German shepherd who had a stroke about two months ago, she’s made a 90% recovery, but I’m worried I’m prolonging something that’s not right, Kira sleeps alot, eats good, drinks plenty and still plays with the other dogs. When she comes in and goes to her bed sometimes she whines and lately she’s been having a little bit of urine incontinence nothing extreme yet.
    My question is this should I put her down before her quality of life goes away? I can tell when I look into her eyes she’s getting tired but I also don’t want to feel like I’m cutting her short but don’t want her to become miserable before I make the decision. I love her so much but I haven’t had to deal with this sense I was a teenager, with our old dogs we always waited until they stopped eating and drinking, but I don’t know if thats the right decision anymore, my husband is leaving it entirely up to me cause she’s my dog and he trusts whatever decision I make. Please help, looking for some advice.

    • I have a similar situation with my 14.5 year old Boston
      Terrier. She is blind, deaf, heart problems and special diet for liver problems. She still loves her food and treats but walks have become difficult for walking into walls, brush, trees etc.
      I can tell she is stressed over this.
      Do I wait until she gets really sick or injured to put her to sleep?
      I just need to hear from someone other than my husband what to do.

      • Jill, now that a month has passed since your post, it’s probably too late for a meaningful reply. I just wanted to say that my beagle is in the same boat and I’m asking the same questions. It’s hard to see him so confused. I hope you are doing better.

  11. I never want to be the one to say it’s time to say goodbye to a friend or let’s face it a furr kid but I had to make this horrible decision not so long ago and I still feel horrible over it but he was my little guy and I personally decided it was better for me to miss him and suffer the pain of not having him than have him suffer any longer. It’s not easy and I feel for you Jill, hang in there!!

  12. My 14 year old cocker spaniel was diagnosed with bone cancer two weeks ago. The Vet advised me to have her put down. I don’t have the heart to do it. She still eats and drinks but I know that she’s not herself anymore. She can’t stand up without assistance so i would carry her outside and hold her up while she relieves herself. Sometimes she doesn’t even make it outside and just have accidents everywhere. She’s on Tramadol and cbd oil, probably why she’s always asleep (but only in the morning). She would cry out in the middle of the night, between 12 am and 3 am. I would give her food, her meds, pet her and take her outside. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn’t. She used to be really spunky and full of life, it breaks my heart to see her fading away. I just wish I am strong enough to make the decision of when to finally put her down.

  13. We decided to put our dog Katie down last week. I still feel so awful and cry a lot. She had cancer and I think it finally went to her brain. She would pace for hours and then just collapse from fatigue. She would try to jump on the couch, her favorite spot, but she sometimes made it and sometimes not. I can really relate to the others who say they felt like they let their pet down. I feel that way too!

  14. i have a 14 plus year old golden retriever. She had surgery for a mast cell tumor in June. though i was told they got it all she now has 3 additional tumors. she doesn’t hear very well and often seems not to know where she is. stares into space. She has a very hard time getting up and limps when she walks. the arthritis medication seems not to be having any effect. she still pees and poops outside but won’t walk any further than the 10 feet to her favorite spot. she still likes her stuffed toy but at home only wants to lay down and/or sleep. sometimes she moans. one of the tumors is constantly bleeding because it bothers her. I have made an appointment with her vet to euthanize her and am finding it impossible to live with myself. she remains obsessed with food loves to eat (anything). I look at her sweet face and feel like a murderer. she’s my shadow and i feel like i am betraying all the love and trust that she has for me. Do i let things be as they are now? i want to do what’s best for her but i don’t know what that is.

  15. My almost 13 year old Schnauzer is suffering from dementia. It’s happened so gradually that it took my husband saying “can’t you remember what he used to be like? It wasn’t this!” It hit me like a brick. He’s only getting worse. Bad days far outweigh the good nowadays. I am heartbroken at the thought of putting him down. He was born exactly 2 mos after my daughter. My 10 year old Morkie is co-dependent and doesn’t know life without him. It’s so hard. It’s even harder watching him pace in circles, stare at the wall and get lost in the house. He doesn’t even remember how to get to the door most of the time. We love him so much but as time goes by, I realize he is not living a quality life. I have to decide if it’s selfish of me to keep him here for my own sake. He’s the first dog I have ever had. I love him dearly. It’s just so hard to know when the right time is. I wish it were easier.

  16. This was very helpful: I adopted my boxer Roy in 2016, and just last month he had a tumor removed which turned out to be a cancerous mast cell tumor. Based on his report they are giving him 2-6 months to live. Just this week he has started throwing up and not able to keep anything down. We are going tomorrow morning to see if there’s anything we can do or if it is related to the cancer. I’m almost so sad it hurts…

  17. We put our 7 year old long-hair black and white chihuahua to sleep today. He had been diagnosed with pancreatitis two weeks ago, but also had way high liver enzymes. We were given meds to reduce stomach acid, and coat the stomach, and pain meds, too, but he continued to lose weight and was in ever-increasing unrelieved GI pain. Even with vicodin, tramadol and valium, altogether, his pain was unremitting. He lost half a pound between today and yesterday, and was no longer even drinking. Since it was a Sunday, we could not take him to our regular vet, but fortunately, we found a clinic open. The vet looked at all the paperwork that we had gotten on Riley over the past month (blood tests, ultrasound, xrays) and concluded that he probably had some kind of cancer. Only further invasive procedures would tell for sure. My wife and I agreed that we wanted to end his suffering. The vet followed the euthanasia protocol, first administering the sedative, then inserting the IV, then administering the lethal dose. He passed quite peacefully, without even a whimper. We love him and miss him terribly, but his suffering has ended. It is a hard thing to do, but the right thing.

  18. Euthanasia is most certainly not a kind and loving decision. The amount of pain a pet suffers when given the “death drug” is enormous and the only ones who benefit are the vet because the owners will be paying them and the owner will feel they’ve done the right thing for their pet. I’m not trying to attack pet owners who have made such a hard decision, they are just misinformed and didn’t do their research before hand which most don’t. Truth is, the drugs given cause a great amount of burning and of course an animal cannot convey that pain as they are then paralyzed. The other method used is a needle to the heart which is the cheapest euthanasia method but absolutely immoral since the pet will often scream in pain but the vet says this is normal and people believe it. Please understand I’m telling you this for your benefit, it’s sad to see a pet in pain from old age but just like there is pain management for end of life in humans their are options for animals. I just want to save people from being pressured by vets or articles like this that euthanasia is ok because it is as wrong for pets as it is for humans. Think about it, the worst henous criminals get put to death with the same dangerous cocktail of drugs. Your furry family member does not deserve this!

    • What an ill-informed comment this is from Natalya. The needle does not go through the animal’s heart, nor are “burning” drugs used.

      Anyone who’s had an endoscopy or other medical procedure knows full well that the sedative given prior to anesthesia causes NO PAIN…and no vet in my life has ever pushed euthanasia for financial benefit.

      Euthanasia is a gift to our beloved animals when they are suffering and in pain – it is an act of compassion but never/ever an easy decision for those left behind.

  19. Natalya what other options are there? I just had to put my 12 year old Chiweenie down on Monday due to congestive heart failure and an enlarged heart. There were 2 options. One was to bring him home and monitor him and continue to give him his medicines (which I did first) and pray he got better and the other option was to put him to sleep. After thinking and watching him, he was not getting any better and his condition was worsening by the hour. The loss of appetite, the heavy breathing, the separation which never happened before. I brought him home in hopes to keep him alive but in truth I was trying to keep myself alive. He was in pain and was truly suffering (but never made a whimper or cry his body language said it all) and I could not watch it another minute. That is true torture to allow the dog to be in pain and watch it happen. So if you say it is painful to euthanize well he was already there. I will say this to anyone reading this, the euthanasia process was done as the policy has it. He was very comfortable, and once the 1st shot was given he was very calm and mello I said my last goodbye for now. It was a very quick process. He Never made a sound while any of this was going on. I know that if there was any pain as you say it was only for a few seconds but as I was there through the whole process his face said there was no pain. I don’t mean to come on strong, but your post is the last thing I want to see after just putting my beloved friend down 2 days ago. Please do not discourage people from doing what they need to do to end their fur babies suffering and painful life. None of us want to do this but sometimes it has to be done.

  20. Thanks Valerie, as that upset me. As I have to do my baby in the morning. He has bone cancer he is 13they think. I think he is about 14-15.he is a min pin. I know it’s time. Can’t get his rear off floor to get up. Crys. Limps holds foot up. This is not living. Iv had him 12yrs. I am heart broken
    Please people don’t put bad things down

  21. Dear Sirs;

    I am seeking some advice and assistance regarding my 27 month old blue staffordshire bull terrier.

    In January 2019 he developed a problem where he was unable to urinate, a trip to vet discovered he had bladder stones. Sadly, the only option was to operate and remove them from his bladder. Not only was this most unusual for a 1.5 year old dog, but after analysis of the stones it transpired they were a rare cystine stone.

    He was sent home after a couple of days resting, however, within 24 hours he was unable to urinate by himself. He was re admitted where it was discovered following another scan that some stones were “missed”. As a result he had to be cut open again.

    It took several weeks for him to recover, and he was doing well, started him on a raw diet and he was looking fab. However, four months on the same problem occured, back to the vets where a scan again showed he was blocked with crystals in his urethra.

    He had to once again undergo surgery to remove them, unfortunately, the insurance wouldn’t pay out the full amount as they classed it as pre existing!  So left me foot the outstanding £2k.

    He was then advised to go onto a prescription only diet of Hills UD, not only expensive, but he really didn’t like it.

    Totally dumbfounded to then discover two months after the second operation on 4th June that he was unable to urinate again. Taken to vets as emergency, a further scan showed a mass in his bladder indicating crystals/stones once again.

    He has been in vets for 48 hours with a catheter fitted to drain his bladder, my two options are as follows:

    1: Carry out a third operation in the past eight months, cost to be borne by my credit card as insurance won’t cover it. 

    2: The harrowing decision to end his life, which I just can not comprehend at such a young age.

    My query is that after I have done some research, one item that has been discussed elsewhere is that by having him castrated could help alleviate the stones reforming. As its not always a mutant gene that causes it, sometimes it can be related to testosterone levels. 

    If this is the case I am quite disappointed and similarly angry why the vets failed to know this, or advise to have it done on the first operation in January. 
    Can anyone offer me advice, as I just don’t know what to do.

  22. Natalya, I think it is horrible that you post such a thing on a site full of grieving pet owners who have euthanized their loved one. It is an agonizing decision to make and comments like yours only bring more grief, pain, guilt and trauma. I have watched dogs suffer where they couldn’t breathe for 1/2 hour turning blue but just can’t die on their own. I had them put to sleep because it was more humane than watching them scared and sufficating to the point they were ready to pass out but couldn’t. I have had dogs lay and cry in pain that even the strongest pain killers couldn’t touch. That is way more inhumane than helping them fall asleep. If they have some discomfort for 20 seconds it is better than days and weeks of total suffering.

  23. Thank you for the advice on this websiteo sl, it brought me some comfort. I put my dog to sleep today, she was a Bichon Frise/Jack Russell cross. She had nasal cancer which spread locally around her head. It was initially diagnosed as a cyst and she had an operation to remove but came back rapidly and spread. She started to experience breathing problems, bleeding from the snout and peeing indoors. It was very hard as I took her for a short walk today and she perked up like her old self. I was with her when she got the injection and stroked her neck until she was gone.

  24. I totally and utterly sympathise with your loss, I had my darling Ollie put to sleep last Friday, a cavalier King Charles, 11 and a half, over the last six months he’d gone off his legs, not completely he was still continent but had to keep picking him up once he’d fallen and putting his back legs straight so he could walk, then his stomach became swollen that last week so had a scan and tests it turned out his liver was extremely enlarged the size of a football, I decided then it was time, had the vet out last Friday 13th (I’m so superstitious) but couldn’t leave him another day, heart wrenching, never felt pain like it, but Ollie was with all of his family who loved him dearly and in his own surroundings I wouldn’t of had it any other way, I miss him so so much, totally devastated

  25. My 15 year old daschound has been diagnosed with cancer , she had a huge operation at the start of December but last week had double breathing , vet gave her medication but it came back Xmas day , just been emergency vet today and he said she had days maybe weeks left , I’m and as she’s struggling to breath tonight it looks like I will have to take her tomorrow , she has been the most perfect companion and it’s going to be so difficult but I can’t let her suffer

  26. Natalya, my heart breaks for the suffering that some pets have to endure when they have owners who refuse to end their suffering by euthanasia. And I can tell you for certain, that our beloved labradoodle didn’t suffer at all during the process. His ending was calm, gentle and dignified. And even if it had been briefly painful (which I am certain, it was NOT) this would have been preferable to weeks or months of being in increasing pain and misery. I don’t know how anyone who allowed prolonged suffering in their pets could sleep in their beds at night. I know if I had allowed my dog to suffer intensely, I would never forgive myself. We lost our beloved labradoodle a few months ago from prostate cancer. We opted for euthanasia because we loved him too much to inflict prolonged, unnecesary suffering. Especially as he couldn’t tolerate pain meds because they made him too nauseous. What a savage and cruel ending he would have had to endure had it not been for euthanasia – performed at home, in his own bed, with his loved ones lovingly holding him and reassuring him right up to the end.

  27. Today we put our beloved Scout to sleep. He was a 13-1/2 year old maltipoo. He had reverse sneezing and his trachea was starting to collapse. When he started to fail, he started coughing a lot. Although he still wanted to eat and have his treats, the last few days he lost interest & just wanted to sleep. In December, he also had a bout of pneumonia. My husband and I struggled for several weeks. But as he started ging downhill fast, we could not let him suffer. It has been a very hard decision and we both cried very hard. He was our baby.

  28. My little Phylla is 25 years old and I got her when she was 7 weeks old. She has been my best friend and showed me unconditional love half of my life. She had dementia and pretty much walks in circles and stares at the walls. She still eats and drinks but can no longer go outside to go to the bathroom. I know in my heart this is not a good quality of life and it breaks my heart to put her to sleep. I can’t get the idea that she is still eating and drinking and seems like she has not pain. How can you make such a hard decision when you know she keeps fighting.

  29. We have a sweet baby boy named Buddy.. He’s a dachshund and has had spinal calcification and had surgery at age 3. He gained back about 95% of his quality of life and has always been such a happy guy and we love him so much.. But over the last year or so he began going back downhill, his little legs go out from under him and he has gnawed his back to scabs. He doesn’t wimper but we know he is in pain and very uncomfortable all the time despite several different meds. We have an appointment tomorrow to say goodbye.. I’m crying even now, but he doesn’t deserve this form of purgatory. He has brought us 13 years of pure joy and love and we can’t be selfish and keep hanging on to him while he himself has lost so much quality of life. I can’t sleep thinking about it, and I pray and pray that we’re doing the right thing for him. ❤ I will be right with him all the way through.. I love him dearly and will miss our little Buddy always..

  30. I found this article researching whether I should put my dog down. I’ve had KB since he was 6 months old and he’s 16 now. He is blind, deaf and senile. The thing is that he still eats and drinks ok, but he walks around in circles or paces all day long. He won’t lay down unless I physically put him in his bed and push him down multiple times. I have to carry him up and down stairs otherwise he’ll fall down them. He runs into everything and his balance is just getting worse and worse. He just seems mostly lost, but he has some moments when he enjoys rolling around in his bed. I just don’t know what to do with his mind going so quickly. It’s like if he just wasn’t so crazy I wouldn’t think to put him down. I don’t want to do it, but I think I should for his own safety. Drugging him doesn’t improve his quality of life either, all he does then is sleep all day. I just miss how he was, but he’s not getting any better.

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