dog scratching because of fleas
Dog skin issues

15 Pictures of Flea Allergy & Flea Scabs on Dogs

Flea allergy dermatitis (FAD) is an immune response from flea saliva. It occurs when a flea bites and injects an antigen into your dog’s skin. This antigen causes extreme itching, and that itching turns into […]

Dog Health

What Neutered Dogs Look Like [with Pictures]

Neutering, aka castration, is a surgical procedure where the reproductive glands (testes) are removed surgically from a male dog. This process is performed to prevent dogs from being able to reproduce or display unwanted sexual […]

Pictures of Common Conditions in Dogs

What snake bites look like on dogs [with pictures]

Snake bites can cause a variety of clinical signs depending on several factors. This includes the species of snake, type of venom, location of the bite, and severity of the envenomation. We have included a […]

Pictures of Common Conditions in Dogs

Pictures of Testicular Cancer in Dogs [Vet Advice]

As dogs become older, many of them unfortunately will develop cancer. Male dogs that are not neutered can be at a unique risk of developing testicular cancer. This is not a frequent problem in the […]